Thursday, January 5, 2012

Missing in Action

The life of a writer who also works full time can be so crazy! I've sadly neglected my blog and facebook page, but HAVE been writing! I have some great updates in my writing world...Dangerous Disguise, which is coming out March 23rd, will be part of a two page spread by The Wild Rose Press in Romantic Times Magazine's Mat 2012 edition. I've seen the proofs and it looks great!
Of course, I paid for the ad, but I consider it a worthy cost of doing business.

Since writing, I also heard from the publisher/editor to whom I submitted Just Plain Lucky, and she asked for the entire manuscript for review. Exciting stuff! I'm anxious to read what she thinks of the book and if it's something she wants to take on.

Part of the life of a writer is juggling for the book coming out; waiting for the next one submitted and writing the first draft of the new book. Time is of the essence to keep the momentum from sagging. My goal is to get the new story roughed before I hear about JPL, and at that point, do edits for this editor or shop for another. I hope it's working with this editor:)
Have a great day!!