Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dreams can come true

For all of you aspiring writers, don't give up. You can sell the book of your dreams too....I just did! I've just signed a contract with The Wild Rose Press, a fabulous publisher I researched before ever sending a submission. The editors I've worked for are awesome! Don't be put off with E-publishers, Do your homework and take advantage of this semi-new opportunity to get your work in print. The Wild Rose Press offers top quality editing, and have all the departments to see you through the business process that any brick and mortar offers. I hope you'll order my book when it comes out! It's a historical romance set in Hope, Idaho in 1888. I'll write more about Hope and the release date of my book as I receive the information. If you love quaint mountainside towns, overlooking one of the largest natural fresh water lakes in the country, you'll love Hope! Please check back for photos and descriptions of where to eat, sit and think, or work on your own book! Now, go outside(if it's still light where you are) and enjoy this beautiful summer day!