Saturday, March 31, 2012

Driving to or from Seattle?

If you're making a trip to or from Seattle sometime soon, take a break for dinner or lunch at the Ellensburg Pasta Company! The food is delish and the service top notch. They've taken an old car dealership and transformed it into a quaint, upscale Italian food spot. They also offer Gluten Free items, which is a God-send for people like me who avoid Gluten, but love pasta and sauces!
Take the Ellensburg exit off I-90 onto the main drag, and all the way up to 6th ave. It's worth the drive off the highway and the stop.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Why I live in North Idaho!

Okay, so one reason is because I was born here, the other reason is because the core of my family are here, but the other??? You can't beat the surroundings, the people from here, the people who have gravitated here ,and the sheer quality of life. 
Tuesday, I stood at this spot at the top of a run, overlooking the breathtaking view I never tire of. The warm sun fed our souls as my friends and I skied the 'back side' of Schweitzer Mountain. Every so often we had to stop and just breathe in the alpine scents and the view. (okay, so my legs were tired too) All I could say was, "ahhhhhh, we're so lucky to work, live and play here! Come on folks, it's time for some premium spring skiing!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The first book signing!

Last Saturday was my first book signing! Located at Gourmandie, the gourmet food and wine shop at Schweitzer Mountain Resort, the turn out and support humbled me. Dear friends, co-workers who are quickly becoming friends and even someone I'd just met, bought my book and wished me well on my writing career. Three days later, two of the group thrilled me when they said they'd already read Dangerous Disguise and loved the story! All the hours of writing, re-writing, editing, the highs, the lows, all wrap up in a tingling package of appreciate!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The next book

I apologize if this title is a probably is, as I've sent off the next book a couple of times now.
But I hope this is the last revision of Just Plain Lucky, and the editor and publisher like what I've done with it.
I really like this story, from the location in Northwestern Montana, to the struggle of a single mother, supporting her daughter, both mentally and emotionally. From finding love, to settling crisis from the past that just won't leave her alone, JLP has been very rewarding to create and I've become very attached to the characters.

If I've done my job well, Just Plain Lucky will see the light of day and I'll be able to share Liana Campbell's story with you!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

When you see the printed copy:)

Yesterday, UPS arrived with the shipment of Dangerous Disguise I ordered for personal sales and book signings. Funny how you feel when you've anticipated something for awhile, something almost too good to believe! I carried the boxes into the kitchen, and in Kate McShane fashion, slit box open with a long butcher knife:) Or would Janet Malone be more apt to do that? Either way, I opened the box and there were my books in lovely shades of purple and brown, Kate McShane's image staring into a mirror with a pensive look on her face.
It's so different when your words are in print, bound in book fashion with a shiny cover. Your name across the front. When you can hold it in your hands, it all become real...and frightening as hell! The pressure is on...I have to sell these puppies and even more. I have to promote and talk up my business as Tesa Devlyn if I want it to succeed. And I do! I hope you're able to read a copy and that you get as attached to the characters as I did:)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

More Juggling...still waiting for the rhythm to set in:a

I started this blog to share the ups and downs, ins and outs of writing and maintaining your family, interests and the pesky job most of us have to work. Oh, don't get me wrong, I really like my job and all the people I work with, but after forty hours a week, it's sometimes a challenge to pull out the energy to write.

Once you've sold, there's another juggling act; marketing the first book, while you revise the next and start the third. Switching gears isn't always easy. I'm finding I have to portion my time, so my stories don't get jumbled in my mind. I have to keep telling myself I don't have to rewrite the book coming out in print soon, and I only have to tweak the next one...and create the third one...well you get the picture. Sometimes I hit a wall where all I want to do is go out in the sunshine and walk off my tension. Not a bad idea either! Sometimes that's exactly what I need.

The main point? Don't give up...keep working and finding better ways to organize your time. Find niche's to work on each project and the biggest piece of advice? Never forget; Hey man, you just sold a book!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Release Date!!

I say this every time I manage to log onto my blog and write a few words, but I can't believe nearly a month has gone by without blogging. I'm still not good at this marketing thing...but one thing I can share and am extremely excited about; Dangerous Disguise is being released March 23! This month!
I've already ordered books for signings so will keep everyone updated on the locations and times. The Wild Rose Press continues to be fabulous to work with. For anyone who thinks an "E" publisher doesn't help market your book, hasn't worked with TWRP.

I just received a letter from the marketing department requesting more information so THEY can better market my book.
Yesterday, the publisher sent out an email inviting authors to sign up with iTunes and Android for marketing on the down loaded copies. TWRP is sponsoring a retreat on a working ranch next fall, complete with workshops, horseback riding and relaxation. I feel truly blessed to have sold my first novel and to work with such an upstanding, professional company!