Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So, it all begins...

Blogging everyday is something I have to work into my daily schedule... The journey to seeing the book I've poured so many hours, tears and sweat into, in print, has begun. Information goes to the marketing department with email address; blog address; website (which I don't have yet). The accounting department needs to verify information, and marketing requires the cover art description forms filled out. I was thrilled when I learned The Wild Rose Press actually includes input from the author. It's so unusual in our industry. Now, I hope I described my characters and the setting adequately. I'm anxious to see what the artist comes up with!
I promised photos of Hope, and I can't believe I drove through there last weekend and didn't snap some with my phone! I will get them posted!  I'm so fascinated with the area, I want to share it's history and beauty!

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