Saturday, November 19, 2011

Writer's group withdrawals!!

The most recent meeting was only last Saturday, but knowing I won't attend another one until spring is already bumming me out! Due to my new job, which is at a beautiful resort and I'm not complaining about anything to do with my new position... I'll just miss my group until spring rolls around and my schedule returns to Monday- Friday!!

The meeting on Saturday made the separation even more difficult. November is always our Storyteller Awards meeting. We tally points for all the writing activities of the year. The top three winners receive prizes, we exchange inexpensive and fun gifts and then eat a delicious potluck lunch. Of course we share our victories and defeats, brainstorm ideas and build deeper relationships. I love my RWA group!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Other Opportunities

I've woefully neglected my blog! I changed jobs and have been loving it, but my schedule takes some adjusting to so my lunch hours of writing have suffered. It's just a matter of me reprograming myself to write at different times. A new challenge... it's what I love, so time to prove I can do it.

My new writing opportunity is a contemporary I finished last Spring, then got busy with Dangerous Disguise rewrites, so I didn't turn my attention back to it until a couple months ago. I submitted to 4 agents, got declines from 2 but haven't heard from the other two. I sent out queries to 2 editors and heard from one who asked for a proposal (synopsis and first 3 chapters) The editor who read it likes my writing style and several other things, but suggested I change the beginning. That BUT, isn't a bad thing... there were many good things about her suggestions and you can bet I'm following her advice. As attached as I am to my opening scenes, I can see her point and am currently having fun inventing a new beginning I can work into the existing book later in the story.

The really fun thing was, while brainstorming with my sixteen year old grandson... he came up with a beginning I love! Thanks Brian!!