Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Other Opportunities

I've woefully neglected my blog! I changed jobs and have been loving it, but my schedule takes some adjusting to so my lunch hours of writing have suffered. It's just a matter of me reprograming myself to write at different times. A new challenge... it's what I love, so time to prove I can do it.

My new writing opportunity is a contemporary I finished last Spring, then got busy with Dangerous Disguise rewrites, so I didn't turn my attention back to it until a couple months ago. I submitted to 4 agents, got declines from 2 but haven't heard from the other two. I sent out queries to 2 editors and heard from one who asked for a proposal (synopsis and first 3 chapters) The editor who read it likes my writing style and several other things, but suggested I change the beginning. That BUT, isn't a bad thing... there were many good things about her suggestions and you can bet I'm following her advice. As attached as I am to my opening scenes, I can see her point and am currently having fun inventing a new beginning I can work into the existing book later in the story.

The really fun thing was, while brainstorming with my sixteen year old grandson... he came up with a beginning I love! Thanks Brian!!


  1. I love that you're plotting with your grandson!

  2. Thank you, Asa! Those young minds are amazing, and especially since he's an avid reader:)
