Sunday, July 8, 2012

Romance is Real...

Romance is real...ever get tired of people putting down the romance genre..stating life isn't really that way, it's just escapism? Well in the first place, what is wrong with escaping the cares of our everyday life once in a while? People who read crime novels, mystery, westerns, etc., are all escaping their everyday life too.
Do non-romance readers really know what lays between page one and the last page...the happily ever after? It's the journey of a man and woman who have pasts, who have challenges, wounds to heal, money problems, family problems, maybe work in a job they don't like, or isn't their dream career, want a solid relationship but can't find the right person? Find the right person but their past haunts them to the point of endangering the possibility of moving forward with Mr or Mrs Right? 

Sound familiar? 

That's because it is real life, and it's addressed in our modern romance books. We're not fluff and fantasy. We deal with the real issues but in a way that lends hope to the reader, and the character to find that right fit, that right person to share their life with. 
I can attest to there being a happily ever after...not a life without issues and conflict, but a life where you keep learning and keep falling deeper in love with your partner. Today is the 40th anniversary with my Mr. Right and it becomes more right everyday:) Never give up on the romance genre or on your own romance.  

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